Our farm to your table.

Here at K’Syrah we have our own working farm that's located in the bountiful Santa Ynez Valley. We utilize this fertile ground that has been provided to us by our ancestors in no haphazard way. Everything we grow has purpose. The Santa Ynez Valley has an ideal growing climate, and we take advantage of these conditions.

We work our farm by hand. Turning the soil minimally, or not at all. Nourishing from the top down with layers of compost, mulch, and decomposing cover crops. We cultivate and weed by hand, and over time the need to weed becomes minimal. We plant over 100 varieties of vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Our growing season becomes a succession of abundant harvests as the warm summer stretches into an Indian Summer, that yields into a short fall, cooler winter and a mild breezy spring.